No COLORS: 100 Ways To Stop Gangs From Taking Away Our Communities

"No community wants to admit it has a gang problem. Yet that denial and the unwillingness to address youth violence as a community problem will have tragic consequences."


Strategic Plan to Reduce Young Adult Violence and
Gangs in Newport News, Virginia: P.I.E.R. Strategy

The Mayor’s Task Force

On Teenage and Young Adult Violence Prevention

Prevention, Intervention, Enforcement and Reentry

P. I. E. R.

A Call to Action

Mayor McKinley L. Price, DDS

Community-wide Strategic Plan

May 2011

Prepared by

The National Center

For the Prevention of Community Violence

This plan was developed by over 125 citizens, service providers and community leaders from Newport News, funded by U.S. Department of Justice Grant Award 2010-JL-FX-0579

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