No COLORS: 100 Ways To Stop Gangs From Taking Away Our Communities

"No community wants to admit it has a gang problem. Yet that denial and the unwillingness to address youth violence as a community problem will have tragic consequences."

Strategic Plan to Reduce Young Adult Violence and Gangs in Newport News, Virginia: P.I.E.R. Strategy

Coordination of the P.I.E.R. Strategic Plan in Newport News, Virginia

To be successful in addressing the problem of teenage young adult violence, it is important to come to the realization that government does not own the problem or the solutions.

Strategic plans are best written, coordinated and facilitated at the grass root level with the emphasis on citizen involvement.  A caution at this juncture is simply not to cede leadership or operation of this project to the City Bureaucracy. Although City staff’s natural inclination—as willing, intelligent and experienced representatives—is to take charge of the effort, this plan seldom works.

The coordination of such efforts by a broad base of community interests is essential to the success of the overall plan.

The National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence (NCPCV) is willing to discuss continued engagement with leadership of the Newport News Youth Violence Prevention Program if it is the desire of the Mayor’s Task Force.

NCPCV has consulted in over twenty states and helped build the Richmond GRIP program, and is currently in a vital part of the Memphis Strategic planning process as well as worked in Los Angeles, Ca, Miami, Florida and Milwaukee, Wisconsin to assist in the strategic efforts. The Richmond engagement is widely considered a benchmark of youth violence reduction in America. The NCPCV is rapidly becoming a national force in strategic planning to stem the tide of youth violence overtaking the nation.

<< Funding and Sustainability of the P.I.E.R. Model P.I.E.R. Strategy - Next Steps >>