No COLORS: 100 Ways To Stop Gangs From Taking Away Our Communities
"No community wants to admit it has a gang problem. Yet that denial and the unwillingness to address youth violence as a community problem will have tragic consequences."
"Nearly Every Community in America has Issues Related to Violence.
We have solutions."
"No community wants to admit it has a gang problem. Yet that denial and the unwillingness to address youth violence as a community problem will have tragic consequences."
Strategic Plan to Reduce Young Adult Violence and Gangs in Newport News, Virginia: P.I.E.R. Strategy
One of the greatest challenges facing communities across America including Newport News is how to fund and sustain a specific strategy to reduce crime and violence. While developing the recommended P.I.E.R. Strategic Model to the community we realize that a major question lies in the factor of what the specific recommendations will cost and how to sustain the strategy. This factor is what drives the development of a strategic plan and not a simple program. Many of the strategies that have been suggested will simply lead to a change in operational services provided within the community with an overall direction to greater citizen involvement in those services. In working on this effort we have had positive input from various leaders who represent local government, faith-based organizations and businesses. As exhibited in the number of individuals who worked on this plan, community leadership and stakeholders have openly endorsed this direction. For that reason we believe that local political and government leaders should embrace the recommended strategy and seek out ways to fund it. Whether through current City resources, local surplus funding, grants or private-public partnerships, we believe in order for the community to move in the recommended direction of this strategy, there will have to be a level of financial investment. To show the community’s commitment to this strategy the following actions have been taken:
In addition to this funding, $200,000 dollars has been pledged from the Cal Ripken Foundation to establish a model baseball and training facility at the recommended South Morrison P.I.E.R. Center. It is recommended that the community leverage a greater involvement through national partnerships to include the Boys & Girls Club, 4H Program, National Endowment for the Arts, US Department of Education and the US Department of Justice which provides seed funding for: Police Athletic Leagues (PAL), Gang Resistance Education and Training and various private funding sources to help in funding the initiative.
The sustainability of the P.I.E.R. Strategy will be met with the following:
A combination in implementation of the above recommendations the Newport News P.I.E.R. Strategy would become a way to do business for the city and its neighborhoods.
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